We are regular, everyday people... and yet, we're not.
Because of The Father, we are the righteousness of God;
Because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors;
Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are miracle workers;
Our lives are built solid because we come to Jesus, hear His sayings and do them (instead of merely hearing more sermons.)
We teach the whole Bible, and we share the full gospel, uncompromised...
All the incredible blessing bits and even the rough parts.
We will never rob God's people of the truth, even when it might seem easier.
Because of The Father, we are the righteousness of God;
Because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors;
Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are miracle workers;
Our lives are built solid because we come to Jesus, hear His sayings and do them (instead of merely hearing more sermons.)
We teach the whole Bible, and we share the full gospel, uncompromised...
All the incredible blessing bits and even the rough parts.
We will never rob God's people of the truth, even when it might seem easier.
We are regular, everyday people... and yet, we're not.
Because of The Father, we are the righteousness of God;
Because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors;
Because of the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are miracle workers;
Our lives are built solid because we come to Jesus, hear His sayings and do them (instead of merely coming to church, sitting down, hearing a message and leaving).
We teach the whole Bible, and we share the full gospel, uncompromised...
All the incredible blessing bits and even the rough parts.
We will never rob God's people of the truth, even when it might seem easier.
We believe that salvation starts at home, and flows throughout the home. We are committed to seeing the Biblical example of households coming to faith, led spiritually by parents (fathers and husbands wherever possible), training up children in the way they should go [Proverbs 22:6], as parents are meant to be the primary disciplers of their children.
Because of this, we welcome families to engage in interactive services together, including children grades 1 and up, so everyone is taught the same thing, everyone gets a voice and has opportunities to participate in the learning - so spiritual conversations and obedience can begin happening during the car rides home and all throughout the week.
Imagine the peaceful, joyful, inspired, fulfilled life your family can enjoy when properly engaged with God and His Word, together, regularly. It isn't impossible... all it takes is intentionality.
We believe that salvation starts at home, and flows throughout the home. We are committed to seeing the Biblical example of households coming to faith, led spiritually by parents (fathers and husbands wherever possible), training up children in the way they should go [Proverbs 22:6], as parents are meant to be the primary disciplers of their children.
Because of this, we welcome families to engage in interactive services together, including children grades 1 and up, so everyone is taught the same thing, everyone gets a voice and has opportunities to participate in the learning - so spiritual conversations and obedience can begin happening during the car rides home and all throughout the week.
Imagine the peaceful, joyful, inspired, fulfilled life your family can enjoy when properly engaged with God and His Word, together, regularly. It isn't impossible... all it takes is intentionality.
Because of this, we welcome families to engage in interactive services together, including children grades 1 and up, so everyone is taught the same thing, everyone gets a voice and has opportunities to participate in the learning - so spiritual conversations and obedience can begin happening during the car rides home and all throughout the week.
Imagine the peaceful, joyful, inspired, fulfilled life your family can enjoy when properly engaged with God and His Word, together, regularly. It isn't impossible... all it takes is intentionality.
We believe that salvation starts at home, and flows throughout the home. We are committed to seeing the Biblical example of households coming to faith, led spiritually by parents (fathers and husbands wherever possible), training up children in the way they should go [Proverbs 22:6], as parents are meant to be the primary disciplers of their children.
Because of this, we moved from interactive family services on a campus to house church gatherings all throughout the High Desert, so everyone gets more of a voice and has opportunities to participate in the learning and even the teaching - which prompt spiritual conversations and obedience, beginning at home and continue into school, work and life.
Because of this, we moved from interactive family services on a campus to house church gatherings all throughout the High Desert, so everyone gets more of a voice and has opportunities to participate in the learning and even the teaching - which prompt spiritual conversations and obedience, beginning at home and continue into school, work and life.
Campus/Regional Pastors
Jeff and Jennifer Little

Jeff and Jennifer truly love God and love people. So much so, they made 5 for their very own - 3 girls and 2 boys! :)
They have served in ministry since before they were married in 2001 (in fact, they met at church)! They have served and led in Music/Worship; Children's Ministry, Discipleship, Communications, and Pastoral Care, with several years as church planters.
They have served in ministry since before they were married in 2001 (in fact, they met at church)! They have served and led in Music/Worship; Children's Ministry, Discipleship, Communications, and Pastoral Care, with several years as church planters.
You'll regularly hear them say, "We're one!" indicating the unity and connectedness they share. They are driven by the call of God to see those around them become disciples as they dig deep and build solid lives on Jesus Christ, winning people's hearts to God. Along with leading a house church, they also pastor Western United States regions, including many cities, house churches, online ministries and prayer gatherings.
Founders/Apostolic Leaders
Jerry and Kimberly Dirmann

Jerry and Kimberly are the founders of the Jesus Way Network of House Churches. Jerry is also the author of Jesus Disciple, a discipleship system built on decades of Biblical training and experience.
Jerry and Kimberly have been married since 1987. They have two adult children--Alexa, who is married to Izzy; and Jonathan, who is married to Marlene--and six grandchildren.
Jerry and Kimberly have been married since 1987. They have two adult children--Alexa, who is married to Izzy; and Jonathan, who is married to Marlene--and six grandchildren.